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Abstract background image of digital squares

Virtual Reality News

The reality of tomorrow will not be static. Virtual Reality News brings you a daily look into the cutting edge innovations poised to merge the impossible worlds of our imaginations with real life. And it's right around the corner.

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Smart glasses with tinted lenses against a gradient background.
Feb 24, 2020

Part of the fallout from the canceled Mobile World Congress is that a range of products, ideas, and designs slated for reveal in Barcelona are now being showcased without the framing and context of th ...

"HTC Opens Up Augmented Reality Development for HTC Vive" cover image
Apr 17, 2018

HTC is entering the augmented reality market through the back door by giving developers access to the stereo front-facing cameras on the Vive and Vive Pro VR headsets. The company announced on Wednesd ...

3D visualization of Earth from space with data overlays and light trails.
May 24, 2017

One thing that I got more and more excited about as we got closer and closer to the Microsoft Build 2017 developers conference was finally learning about the new Acer Windows Mixed Reality head-mounte ...

Person using a virtual reality headset outdoors.
Mar 14, 2017

Google and Samsung have been leaving Apple in the dust when it comes to virtual reality gear. However, as the market grows and becomes more impossible to ignore within the tech world, Apple may be for ...

Colorful abstract wave pattern of light trails.
Nov 12, 2016

Want proof that user experiences matter? Look no further than the HTC Vive and Omnipudding's particle generator, GPU Cubes VR, which lets you interact with thousands of colorful, cubic particles in a ...

Stock market data and analytics displayed on multiple screens with a keyboard.
Nov 5, 2016

Most of us work with a single monitor, but even with one or two extras, they still offer a rather confined workspace. Virtual reality, however, doesn't have such boundaries. As a result, VR headsets c ...

DJ performance at a vibrant light show event.
Nov 5, 2016

Virtual reality, along with its siblings, has the opportunity to profoundly change the way we interact with all things digital. As a visual medium, we often don't think about the impact on audio, but ...

Three virtual reality headsets in gray, black, and red colors.
Oct 21, 2016

While visiting the Made by Google pop-up shop in New York City this morning, I had a chance to try out the new Daydream View virtual reality headset. First impressions are important, and Google's new ...

"I Entered THE VOID & Its Incredibly Immersive Approach to VR Blew Me Away" cover image
Oct 17, 2016

What happens when a entrepeneur/theme park creator and special effects artist/magician team up? You get a team crazy enough to create the first true virtual reality theme park (sorry, Six Flags). They ...

Digital abstract background with floating pills and blue light beams.
Oct 7, 2016

Opioids, or narcotic painkillers, serve as our primary method for alleviating physical distress. They also happen to be a leading cause of death due to their addictive nature. AppliedVR hopes to intro ...